Tutorial: Install Ubuntu Studio Theme
The Ubuntu Studio theme is a cool and amazing theme for your Ubuntu!
Recently, I described how to get your Ubunto to clone the Vista glass effect and other effects introduced by M$. However After an experience of beryl and Ubuntu Studio, I was convinced this is more stylish!
Ubuntu studio is generally targeted at users who need to be creative and productive. And its got the added style factor to it too. (Although many are content with standard beryl effects, which outperform vista's aero any day :)).
Here is a better description:
Ubuntu Studio is a variant of Ubuntu that concentrates on three creative tasks: video editing, audio recording and graphics.
Ubuntu Studio is based on the Feisty Fawn release of Ubuntu but does away with Ubuntu's default orange/brown theme in favour of a sexy charcoal gradient affair with highlights of a nice neon blue.
Certainly for audio recording, people should pay Ubuntu Studio a look-in. There is a large array of tools preconfigured on a low-latency kernel making real-time recording and processing manageable.
Well that was about Ubuntu Studio itself(Read more abt it here); this tutorial will tell you how to install the "theme" on Ubuntu 7.04.
Get to the good old terminal and follow these steps:
- Add a new repository:
$ sudo su -c 'echo deb http://archive.ubuntustudio.org/ubuntustudio feisty main >> /etc/apt/sources.list'
- Get the key and Install it:
$ wget -q http://archive.ubuntustudio.org/ubuntustudio.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add -
- Update the repository:
$ sudo aptitude update
- Install the new theme:
$ sudo aptitude install ubuntustudio-look
...And that should just about do it! Enjoy!