Friday, December 26, 2008

Trace a mobile number in India

Well, if you own a mobile phone in India, you have definitely gotten missed calls, many times from unknown sources. Some of you might have got unsolicited calls from strangers, or even friends posing as strangers at times.

So here is a trick that can get you to know more about an unknown mobile number anywhere in India.

Check this page out:

It gives a detailed analysis of the area and network provider of the mobile number.
So next time anyone plays a prank, or if u have an unknown number, you know how to know more :P

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Tiny teenager from India is smallest girl in the world

A teenager from India who stands at a tiny 1ft 11in (58cm) tall is the smallest girl in the world. Jyoti Amge, 14, is shorter than the average two-year-old child and only weighs 11lb (5kg).

Scroll down for more...

She has a form of dwarfism called achondroplasia and won't grow any taller than her current height.

Due to her size, Jyoti has to have clothes and jewellery made for her. She sleeps in a tiny bed and uses special plates and cutlery to eat, as normal-sized utensils are too big.

Despite this, she goes to a regular school in Nagpur, central India, where she has her own small desk and chair, and her classmates treat her like any other student.

Jyoti also shares common interests with other teenagers, with a love for DVDs and fashionable dresses.

She said: 'I am proud of being small. I love all the attention I get. I'm not scared of being small and I don't regret it.

'I'm just the same as other people. I eat like you, dream like you. I don't feel any different.'

Jyoti is treated like a mini-celebrity in her home town, where people flock to meet her and some even treat her like a goddess. She will even be releasing an album with her favourite Indian pop star, the bhangra/rap star Mika Singh.

'I'm proud of being small. I love all the attention I get because of it.'

Her dad, Kishanji Amge, 52, said: 'I can't separate myself from her even for a single day. I love her very much. 'She makes me proud. Lots of gurus come to see and bless her. They pray for her happiness and long life.'

Friday, January 18, 2008

Sun Acquires MySQL - A twist to the Open Source Tale

Well, times are getting better for Sun™, because Sun™ acquires MySQL and it now forms part of the Sun Microsystems™ Family.

This was announced by the CEO of Sun™ Jonathan Schwartz by email to all the employees and in his blog.
MySQL is one of the fastest growing and most popular Open Source DataBases in the World.
This is a big news for all the developers, and all the employees of Sun™, you can read more of this new in the Blog of Jonathan Schwartz -

With millions of global deployments including Facebook, Google, Nokia, Baidu and China Mobile, MySQL will bring synergies to Sun that will change the landscape of the software industry by driving new adoption of MySQL's open source database in more traditional applications and enterprises. The integration with Sun will greatly extend the commercial appeal of MySQL's offerings and improve its value proposition with the addition of Sun's global services organization. MySQL will also gain new distribution through Sun's channels including its OEM relationships with Intel, IBM and Dell.

"The combination of MySQL and Sun represents an enormous opportunity for users and organizations of all sizes seeking innovation, growth and choice," said Marten Mickos, CEO, MySQL. "Sun's culture and business model complements MySQL's own by sharing the same ideals that we have had since our foundation -- software freedom, online innovation and community and partner participation. We are tremendously excited to work with Sun and the millions of members of the MySQL open source ecosystem to continue to deliver the best database for powering the modern Web economy."
MySQL's open source database is the "M" in LAMP - the software platform comprised of Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP/Perl often viewed as the foundation of the Internet. Sun is committed to enhancing and optimizing the LAMP stack on GNU/Linux and Microsoft Windows along with OpenSolaris and MAC OS X. The database from MySQL, OpenSolaris and GlassFish, together with Sun's Java platform and NetBeans communities, will create a powerful Web application platform across a wide range of customers shifting their applications to the Web.

Things look exciting and moving towards change, lately. Lets hope that change is for the best!