Thursday, July 05, 2007

Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer’s Office

I dont know how true this is...just couldnt resist myself from writing this down! See it yourself: is that really Steve Ballmer?

Alright...first thoughts...Dont you think the CEO of Microsoft deserves a more lavish and magnificent place to dwell? Or is it that Ballmer has done enough to deserve this (:D).

If this is true, then it does show one thing, these guys don’t care about money or fame, all they want is to kill off their enemies, and I quote Genghis Khan, the mongolian king that ruled the world’s biggest empire ever -

“It is not enought that I win, all others must lose!”

Ofcourse, The Mongol empire was superceded and defeated and It is where it is today because of that ;) (pun intended!)


Anonymous said...


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Anonymous said...

Kind of spartan in a cluttered sort of way.

Anonymous said...

But Sparta did fall...all 300 of them :D